UCD Research archives
Exploring nanomedicine’s “infinite potential”
Enhancing sustainability in UCD’s research labs
“All the possibilities” – what a veterinary career can offer
More practical tips for small animal practice
Development of a BoCoV vaccine
Recent achievements in research at the UCD School of Veterinary Medicine
From practice to research…
Disease detectives
Bronx Zoo to UCD via St Kitts – a veterinary researcher’s journey
Researcher pursues one health vision
The fun of not knowing: a researcher’s journey
The value of resilience
Intramammary antimicrobial sales in Ireland
Buccal-PEP: A patch for buccal (cheek) administration of peptides
VN Section, School of Veterinary Medicine: research update
Retrospective study on canine MUO
Diagnoses of Canine Cancer by Cytology in Ireland
UCD Herd Health Team clinical research update
The Veterinary Nursing Section, School of Veterinary Medicine: additional research activity update
Anatomy Dissection Lab team wins Green Labs Award
Test tube foals: A reality, but still a lot to learn
Irish network for biting midges and mosquitoes
Does bone density in small animals decrease with age? A radiographic and CT study
Managing self during a PhD: Exploring the development of Intrapersonal skills
Oral cannabinoids and osteoarthritis pain management in dogs
Role of vet in equine genetic disease testing
’One Health’ Comparative Oncology Research
Transition cow management and cattle fertility
UCD and LMU Veterinary CSCs share simulation model-making insights
Veterinary Biosciences Student Summer Research Projects
The faecal microbiome: a reservoir of antimicrobial resistance in dogs
Research into the behaviour, health, welfare and ecology of deer in Ireland
Supporting the national bovine TB eradication programme
Professor Eamonn Gormley from the School of Veterinary Medicine at UCD describes how the activities of the Tuberculosis Diagnostics and Immunology Research Laboratory support the national bovine tuberculosis eradication programme
Researchers play important role in combatting the pandemic
Researchers from the School of Veterinary Medicine have been playing their part in trying to combat the Covid-19 pandemic
Biology at the nanoscale: probing the molecular phenomena at the nano-bio interface
Dr Sourav Bhattacharjee from the UCD School of Veterinary Medicine outlines his research activities which encompass nanomedicine, biophotonics and quantitative structure-activity relationship
Basic alpaca husbandry and medicine
Victoria Rhodes, UCD Veterinary Hospital, University College Dublin; Fay Pooley, Scarsdale Vets, Derby, United Kingdom; and Marijke Beltman, UCD Veterinary Hospital, University College Dublin, outline some basic husbandry and medicine of alpacas
Engaging the equine community in research advances through the use of podcasts
In order to benefit the general community of horse owners, trainers, breeders and enthusiasts, it is essential that the need to educate them in the latest advances in equine science and welfare is achieved. One method that has proved successful in bringing scientific discovery to this community are podcasts called “Conversations in Equine Science”.
Design of an Irish Veterinary Animal Behaviour YouTube channel
Researchers at University College Dublin are planning a number of focus groups to investigate how best to support Irish veterinary professionals in providing quality animal behaviour/training advice.
Role of urinary biomarkers in investigating AKI in dogs
Researchers at University College Dublin are investigating urinary biomarkers as early markers to detect acute kidney injury (AKI) in dogs in order to prevent more severe and chronic damages commonly associated with AKI
Effect of Digitisation of Veterinary Radiography Processing Systems on Image Quality and Radiation Safety
The diagnostic imaging unit in the UCD Veterinary Hospital has a longstanding clinical research history assessing radiographic image quality and radiation safety risks. Longitudinal studies on the effect of changing technologies are ongoing, often with the co-operation of veterinary practitioners from all around the Island of Ireland. Changes in the legislation under the Basic Standards Directive (EU Council Directive 2013/59/Euratom of 5 December, 2013) are now reflected by the revised Code of practice on the Application of the Ionising Radiation Regulation (IRR19) in Veterinary Medicine published in 2020.
Finding threats in the wild that may affect us in the future
More and more antibiotics/antimicrobials that were once highly effective at protecting animals and humans against disease, are now becoming less and less effective as bacteria evolve ways to resist them
Monitoring Surface Water in Public Amenity Areas: A One Health Approach
Water is an important natural asset and surface waters sustain important ecological systems while providing a habitat for many different biological communities. If not managed properly, it may serve as a reservoir and source of pollutants (physical, chemical, and biological) that are hazardous to health. This fact highlights the important link to the One Health concept that human health, animal health, and environmental health are all innately interrelated.
Veterinary student summer research projects update
Dr Alison Reynolds provides an overview of undergraduate summer research projects
Portal hypertension associated with end-stage liver disease and microRNA analysis
University College Dublin Veterinary Hospital is investigating the potential use of microRNAs as biomarkers to aid decision making in cases of canine liver disease with portal hypertension
An overview of ongoing small-animal research
Dr Ronan Mullins, assistant professor of small animal surgery, University College Dublin, gives an overview of some of the interesting ongoing research that is taking place in the college’s Small Animal Surgery Department
Productivity, animal health and the environment
This month, Finbar Mulligan, associate professor at the School of Veterinary Medicine, shares an update on the dairy nutrition research that is taking place at UCD Lyons Far
Characterisation and cytomorphometic diagnostic test for canine lymphoma
Peter James O’Brien, head of clinical pathology, and his global team of five summer students report on completion of a rapid test for canine lymphoma
Common feline behaviour problems
A collaborative research project on veterinary professionals’ understanding of common feline behaviour problems and use of ‘cat-friendly’ practices found that there is a need for formal training in these areas
How ‘omics’ are contributing to sustainable animal production
Torres Sweeney, full professor of animal genomics at the UCD School of Veterinary Medicine gives an overview of how ‘omics’ technologies are contributing to sustainable animal production
Mechanisms of inflammation in primary immune-mediated haemolytic anaemia
Researchers at University College Dublin are investigating mechanisms involved in primary immune-mediated haemolytic anaemia in dogs through microRNA evaluation
Bringing genomics into bovine tuberculosis control in Ireland
Dr Joseph Crispell and Professor Stephen Gordon from University College Dublin, talk about a recently funded project that aims to use bacterial genomics to help control bovine tuberculosis across Ireland
A practical approach to simple procedures in pet pigs
As pet pigs become more popular in Ireland, vets are likely to encounter them on their routine callouts. In this article, researchers outline a practical approach to some simple procedures that can be done on farm, as well as sedation protocols, that will make these encounters safer and less stressful for vet, animal and owner
Reflective practice in veterinary medical and nursing education – what does the literature tell us?
Researchers at University College Dublin are investigating evidence-based educational practices to improve learner outcomes in the area of reflective practice
A 'one-health' approach to the study of hepatitis E virus
Researchers at University College Dublin are currently investigating the presence of hepatitis E virus in human sewage and Irish waterways. Here, Dr Nicola Fletcher presents an overview of a 'one-health' approach to the study of hepatitis E virus
An overview of ongoing small-animal research
Dr Marie-Pauline Maurin, assistant professor of small-animal surgery, University College Dublin, gives an overview of some of the interesting ongoing research that is taking place in the college’s Small Animal Surgery Department
Racetrack opportunity and success – the ‘Speed Gene’ test
A collaborative research study between UCD and global equine science company,
Plusvital, led to an investigation into the economic outcome when thoroughbred horses
are run over optimal or sub-optimal distances as defined by the ‘Speed Gene’ test. This
article provides an overview of the investigation
An exploration of markers of iron defi ciency in dogs
UCD researchers are examining the biomarkers of iron status of dogs with confirmed and
suspected iron deficiency with a view to improving diagnoses and care of impacted animals
Dairy nutrition research: low milk fat percentage
Orla Neville’s current research hopes to shed further light on the significant issue of milk fat
depression and low milk fat percentage on Irish dairy farms
Investigation of the relationship between helminths, the host immune system and intestinal dysbiosis in horses
Researchers at University College Dublin are currently investigating ways to provide better diagnostics and treatment of horses at risk from acute larval cyathostominosis
Oral delivery of unstable bioactive components sourced from food: formulation and assessment
Oral delivery is the preferred route for bioactive components sourced from food.
Researchers at University College Dublin are working on formulating bioactive components, which are currently unstable and poorly absorbed to unlock their desired physiological effects
Tick-borne diseases in Ireland
Researchers at University College Dublin are evaluating the prevalence of selected tickborne diseases in Ireland
Canine demodicosis and the role of demodex mites in rosacea
Researchers at University College Dublin are investigating the pathogenesis of canine demodicosis and the role of demodex mites in rosacea – a one health approach
UCD summer research update
Alison Reynolds, assistant professor in veterinary biosciences, University College Dublin, provides an update on some of the research projects that students undertook this summer